Farm & Cow Balance as a tool in Ireland

rij koeienWhat is ‘Farm Balance’

A farm is a carefully balanced system; a system that encompasses the elements of animal, feed, water, the animal environment and the farmer. Regardless of the production system, all these elements need to be in balance if a farm is to maximise output and profit. The problem is one or more elements of the system creating an imbalance and preventing the expression of the true genetic potential of the herd.

Why is it Important?

Cows will not realise their genetic potential if placed in a system that is out of balance. The cow must be fit for purpose and the farm system must be fit for the cow. The cow herself is a carefully balanced biological system. The cow needs the ‘six freedoms’ to function and perform. Cow health will underpin production. Cow nutrition will drive health and create efficiency. One sick cow takes as much work as 40 healthy cows. Animals are always susceptible to disease; by maintaining the correct balance for the production system used on the farm, there is less risk of disease.


Farmers and their advisers can struggle to get an overview of the farm system. It is not always the farmer’s struggle – it can be hard to really see what the problem is when you are so close to the everyday work. The farmer and the staff are often caught in the day to day work and may not see where the pressure points are for the herd/system. This ‘blindness’ applies to us all.
While cows are the same in every country the systems they work in are often very different – so we take the cows basic needs in any system and put them in balance with what we are trying to achieve. Martin is dedicated to helping find balance on farms so that farms and cows can achieve their potential. He helps farmers to both problem-solve and also to find ways to ‘not allow problems’ to occour. He helps to identify ‘at risk’ animals and animal groups. He helps to understand your production cycle and find the pressure points.

Martin Kavanagh

Martin problem solves for diseases that are particularly related to nutritional imbalance but are also a consequence of imbalance in the overall farm system.

Calf health and young stock hitting targets
Controlling infectious disease
Lameness management
Udder health
Fertility management
Nutrtition imbalance

Martin works with agri-business to interpret their clients’ needs and provide them with technical interpretation of their target market. Martin can also work with farmer groups, vet groups and agri-technical staff to see the ‘Cow Signals’ and find easier ways of communicating their message to their customers.

For more information, see or mail to in Ireland.