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Categorie: Voer/Melkprijzen/Saldo’s
Actiedag EMB: EU politiek vernietigt melkveehouders!
13 november
Geachte landbouwministers van de EU, wij-de melkveehouders-dragen u op: neem de situatie serieus; “Voer nu als crisisinstrument het Markt Verantwoordelijkheid programma op de zuivelmarkt in!” Lees verder
Comments EU milkprices September 2015
7 november
The calculated advance milk price in September 2015 averaged € 30.32 per 100 kg standard milk. A decrease of € 0.55 compared to the previous month. Compared to September 2014, this is a reduction of € 7.26 or 19.3%. After the … Lees verder
UK: projected losses for dairy farmers over 2015/2016
2 november
Dairy consultancy The Dairy Group has projected losses of 4.1 pence per litre (ppl) for dairy farmers over 2015/2016. The predictions were based on analysis of accounts of specialist dairy farms. The analysis does not include any non-dairy income, the Single … Lees verder
EMB: Dairy farmers in EU call for production cuts
19 oktober
Dairy farmers from more than ten countries, led by the European Milk Board (EMB), gathered in Italy last week to discuss how to take action against rising milk production.The group is unhappy about EU policy, including removal of milk quotas, … Lees verder
France: Danone takes production costs in account
12 oktober
According to the French news agency AFP, dairy giant Danone has asked the milk producers supplying their five factories in France to take their production costs into account when fixing the price of milk. However, this new formula to calculate … Lees verder
EMB: production costs of milk in Denmark (2014)
12 oktober
After Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands milk production costs have now also been calculated for Denmark, on the basis of EU data. According to the study carried out by the German BAL (Büro für Agrarsoziologie & Landwirtschaft), in 2014 total production costs … Lees verder
Production costs and October meeting EMB in Italy
12 oktober
For almost a year now, milk prices in the EU have been stuck in a downward spiral. In most countries, prices currently range between 25 and 30 cents per kilogramme; in the Baltic countries, they are even lower. Production costs … Lees verder
LTO: comments on milkprices Summer 2015
2 oktober
The calculated advance milk price in August 2015 averaged € 30.91 per 100 kg standard milk. An increase of € 0.07 compared to the previous month. Compared to August 2014, this is a reduction of € 7.69 or 19.9%. France … Lees verder
Vlaanderen: situatie van melkprijzen crisis of dip?
28 september
De melkprijs heeft een vrije val gemaakt. Hierdoor komen melkveehouders in Vlaanderen in de financiële problemen. Vlaanderen Dat de melkprijs fluctueert, is niets nieuws, maar na twee goede jaren gaat het momenteel wel erg snel bergafwaarts. Daardoor komt een deel … Lees verder
Liquiditeitsmanagement ook nodig bij melkvee
28 september
Liquiditeitsmanagement is voor vele melkveehouders iets nieuws. Waar liquiditeitsmanagement voor veel ondernemers -zoals in de tuinbouw en intensieve veehouderij- een vast onderdeel is van de bedrijfsvoering, is dit voor de meeste ondernemers in de melkveehouderij ‘iets nieuws’. Dit meldt vakblad Veeteelt in de … Lees verder