Categorie: Management

Website EU project RobustMilk

30 oktober

The full title of this European Project is: Innovative and practical breeding tools for improved dairy products from more robust dairy cattle. Objective The objective of RobustMilk was to develop new practical technologies to allow breeders to re-focus their selection … Lees verder

Robuuste koeien door genoomanalyse

29 oktober

Genoomanalyse helpt bij fokken van robuustere koeien. Genoomanalyse van 234 stieren heeft onderzoekers, waaronder enkele van Wageningen Livestock Research, op het spoor gebracht van DNA-varianten die bepaalde kenmerken bij fokstieren beïnvloeden. Zo blijken twee varianten verantwoordelijk voor verstoringen bij de … Lees verder

Blijft fosfaatplafond melkveehouderij heilig?

27 oktober

Blijft het fosfaatplafond in de melkveehouderij heilig en hoe zijn die miljoenen kilo fosfaat dan geregeld in de zuivelsector en bij de overheid? Kunnen melkveehouders “vrijwillig” nog maar 4 miljoen kilo groeien (volgens de zuivelsector) of toch minimaal 8 miljoen kilo volgens de “wettelijke” derogatienorm? Lees verder

Tetrapak: why and how more Milk?

27 oktober

In ten years the amount of milk we need to produce must increase by over one third, says food packaging and processing multinational Tetrapak. As milk producers in established markets look for new ways to respond to a boomin demand in developing countries; they are facing the falling consumption at their home markets. Lees verder

NFU: safeguard British dairy farming!

27 oktober

The National Farmers Union (NFU) urged retailers not to make dairy farmers pay for cut price milk. Processors, retailers and policy makers both in the UK and the EU have to work together to safeguard the future of British dairy farming. Lees verder

Milkquota news from Ireland

27 oktober

Big news: Irish milk production is already seven per cent over quota up to the end of September 2014, taking into account the relevant butterfat adjustment. Lees verder

EBBE; European Board of Bovine Experts

25 oktober

The European Board of Bovine Experts (EBBE) aim to debate the best ways of driving up productivity, fostering animal health and managing margins at their bi-annual meetings. Lees verder

Price risk protection tools in cattle

25 oktober

Price risk protection tools for this uncertain market in cattle. Markets events and reactionary behaviour warrants risk management strategies, according to and Mississippi State University. Lees verder

EBBE: Cows and Heat Detection

25 oktober

Heat detection by EBBE – European Board Of Bovine Experts. As well as an appropriate heat detection system, housing, feed intake and stress all play a part in cow fertility, according to the European Board of Bovine Experts. Daily feed … Lees verder

DDDP unites dairy for Africa

25 oktober

DDDP unites the dairy sector in the Netherlands, Kenya and Uganda. The partnership in Africa is coordinated by the NABC Lees verder