Invitation EDF Congress 2015 in Rostock (Germany)

Logo_EDF_-_COLOR_StandardMore than 300 European dairy farmers will be expected to join the EDF-Congress 2015
in Rostock from June 24th till June 26th. Themed “25 years of entrepreneurship: Always looking to the future!” European Dairy Farmers (EDF) do not only celebrate their 25th anniversary, but also discuss entrepreneurial concepts for dairy farmers in times of political changes.

EDF 25 years

First time in history of EDF, there will be a special offer for young dairy farmers. 25 years ago the reunification brought new chances and challenges for dairy farmers in Eastern and Western Germany. In 2015 dairy farmers again face new possibilities after the quota exit. How did EDF members and other dairy farmers use the new freedom 25 years ago? Which challenges did they face in the past and what kind of entrepreneurial skills do the dairy farmers of tomorrow need to further develop their farms? Lectures, workshops and farm visits will give congress delegates several occasions to discuss different impulses for their own farm development intensively.


Mecklenburg-West Pomerania is a good place to reassure dairy farmers from all over Europe to look to the future. Dairy farmers here demonstrated their entrepreneurial knowledge in the past and are well prepared for the future“, said Henning Helms, president of the German EDF group. Eckhard Meiners, dairy farmer from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, agreed “I learned to discover the important key factors for me and my family in the past 25 years. Today I am not afraid of the future, even though new challenges are ahead.”


Together with Gold-Partners of the Congress GEA Farm Technologies, John Deere and
SCHAUMANN, an interesting program was developed. Next to information about dairy farming in Germany and special challenges in the region of Rostock, different entrepreneurial skills will be addressed. Up-to-date market developments and Cost of Production figures will be discussed as well as topics like labor management, communication, work-life-balance or how dairy production might look like in 25 years from now. Speakers from all over Europe and Overseas will offer Congress delegates new insights and impulses to take home. As also the Club is looking to the future, there will be a special “Youngster’s Bus” this time, inviting farmers below 30 years to join the Congress at a special price. “We invite young dairy farmers from all over Europe to join us and to address their special challenges on the farm.


European Dairy Farmers (EDF) is a club of modern dairy farmers from all over Europe. Farmers meet to exchange experiences and knowledge on all dairy related topics. Regular benchmarking is an important topic within EDF. EDF farmers benchmark both: their economic performance and future perspectives. EDF is impartial, non- political and independent. Annual highlight is the EDF Congress which takes place in a different member state each year. Up to 350 dairy farmers and agribusiness partner join the event. Club language is English. President of EDF is Katrine Lecornu, dairy farmer from France. Scientific partner organization for Germany is the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics in Braunschweig.

For more information please contact: or call Dr. Birthe
Lassen at 0049 (0) 179 75 68 189.
Please find the official invitation at: or see congress program and registration at:

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